Sawmill Hydraulics, Inc.
Sawmill Hydraulics Manufactures Carriages, Scragg Mills, Log Turners, Double End Trimmers, Computerized Setworks, Feeds, Edgers, Resaw Systems, Rollcases, Belts, Decks and a wide variety of other sawmill equipment.
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Sawmill Hydraulics Sawtech Setworks
Sawtech, A State of the Art Control System, was designed by a team of engineers with over 50 years experience and is adaptable to hydraulic and electric carriages (consult factory for air carriages). This 3rd and 4th generation team delivers what the industry has long awaited. Sawtech has many features that takes a good sawyer and makes him better.
Sawmill Hydraulics Helle Tech
The computer that acts like a cam limit system without the cam limits. This all fits in the same small box as the original HELLE Setworks. The sawyer no longer has to get out of the saw cab to adjust his sets, he can do this from the comfort and ease of his seat, SAVING TIME!! 1/32" ACCURACY!!!!!